the man behind the scenes
Jacob is a State Trooper who was a founder of Hold The Line in 2020. Hold The Line was started with the idea of designing and making a clothing line for first responders that allows those to wear without broadcasting the thin colored flags. In 2020, Jacob’s coworker was killed by a drunk driver while on shift. Jacob designed a shirt and sold shirts. Hold The Line quickly settled into its shoes as giving back to those injured and killed in the line of duty amongst other fundraisers. Jacob has been a crucial part in numerous fundraisers, donating well over $100,000 since 2020.
With a keen eye for aesthetics and a passion for design, Jacob brings knowledge, creativity and superior service as a few of his strong suits. Jacob takes pride in the projects he undertakes and still has the sense of giving back to the community and first responders. While Jacob has worked with many first responder agencies and companies, Jacob also takes pride in working with local businesses and companies.